WordPress Theme Detector and Web Hosting Comparison React NextJS script

[DOWNLOAD]WordPress Theme Detector and Web Hosting Comparison React NextJS script

Introducing WordPress Theme Detector Tool Built with ReactJS / NextJS, the ultimate tool for WordPress enthusiasts and webmasters!

WordPress Theme and Plugin Detector / Checker:

Curious about the themes and plugins powering a WordPress site? Look no further! WordPress Theme Detector empowers you to effortlessly inspect and analyze any WordPress website’s themes and plugins with just a few clicks. Stay ahead of the curve by keeping an eye on the latest design trends and functionalities across the web.

Effortless Hosting Comparison:

But that’s not all! WordPress Theme Detector goes beyond the ordinary. Seamlessly integrated with a comprehensive web hosting comparison feature, it allows you to explore hosting providers tailored to your needs. Uncover the perfect match for your site’s requirements, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

For Webmasters and WordPress Aficionados:

Whether you’re a seasoned webmaster, a WordPress developer, or just a curious enthusiast, WordPress Theme Detector caters to your needs. Stay informed, make educated decisions, and elevate your online presence with the right themes, plugins, and hosting solutions.

How It Works:

  1. Enter the URL of any WordPress site.
  2. Explore its themes and plugins.
  3. Compare hosting options tailored to your preferences.

Key Features:

  • Theme Explorer: Dive into the visual aesthetics of any WordPress site. Identify and appreciate the themes that catch your eye.
  • Plugin Detective: Uncover the plugins powering a website’s functionality. Stay informed about the tools and technologies shaping the digital landscape.
  • Hosting Harmony: Make informed decisions about web hosting. Compare providers based on performance, pricing, and features.

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Uncover the Secrets of Any WordPress Site: Themes, Plugins, and Hosting

Ever wondered what theme or plugin makes a website tick? Look no further! Our app unveils the hidden secrets of any WordPress site, giving you a complete picture of its design and functionality.

Here’s what you can do with our app:

  • Identify any WordPress theme and plugin: Simply enter a website URL and instantly discover the themes and plugins powering it.
  • Explore plugin features and functionalities: Dive deeper into plugin information, including features, reviews, and compatibility.
  • Compare web hosting options: Find the perfect hosting provider for your WordPress site based on its theme and plugin requirements.
  • Get inspired and learn from successful sites: Discover the tools and technologies behind your favorite websites.

Our app is perfect for:

  • Web developers and designers: Gain valuable insights into competitor websites and identify potential design and functionality improvements.
  • Bloggers and content creators: Discover the tools and plugins behind successful content marketing strategies.
  • SEO professionals: Analyze competitor websites and identify potential SEO opportunities.
  • Anyone curious about the inner workings of WordPress websites: Uncover the secrets behind your favorite websites and learn from the best.

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Features and Services

  • A MERN (MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS Script)
  • Faster than PHP Script
  • Earn with Hosting Affiliates
  • Earn with WordPress Theme Affiliate


Front End Demo

  • Google Analytics GA4 Ready
  • Simple yet Powerful Admin Panel
  • 100% Responsive Design
  • All API Routes Secured by JWT
  • Installation Process well Documented
  • Lifetime Free Updates
  • Admin Demo


    Username: admin

    Password: admin



    WordPress Theme Detector and Web Hosting Comparison React NextJS script