WD Player - Flutter MP3 Audio Player | Support Online & Offline | Android Apps | Admob + GDPR

[DOWNLOAD]WD Player - Flutter MP3 Audio Player | Support Online & Offline | Android Apps | Admob + GDPR

Introducing WD Player – Elevate Your MP3 Experience with Admob Integration + GDPR Support!

Embark on a unique audio journey with WD Player – a powerful Android-based mobile application built using the Flutter framework and Dart programming language. Whether you’re into offline or online MP3 music, this app has got you covered. Now, with enhanced GDPR support and AdMob integration, WD Player is your all-in-one solution for a seamless and delightful audio experience.

Key Features:

  1. MP3 Music Anytime, Anywhere: Enjoy your favorite tunes offline with MP3 files or stream them online with MP3 links. WD Player seamlessly combines both options, providing a versatile audio experience.
  2. AdMob Integration with GDPR Compliance: Monetize your app effortlessly with AdMob banner and interstitial ads while ensuring GDPR compliance. We prioritize user privacy, creating a user-friendly experience for both you and your audience.
  3. Sleek User Interface: Immerse yourself in a visually stunning and user-friendly interface. WD Player boasts Google Material Design UI, ensuring an attractive look and an easy user experience.
  4. Customizable Assets: Tailor the app to match your unique style! Add your own MP3 files (for offline use) or provide MP3 links (for online streaming) to the assets folder. Personalize your app like never before!
  5. Seamless Performance: WD Player is crafted for flawless performance on the Android platform. The Flutter framework ensures smooth operation, making it a joy to use.

Demo Android App

WD Player MP3 Music Player

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Why WD Player?

  • Versatile MP3 Experience: Whether offline or online, enjoy your music on your terms with WD Player.
  • Monetization Made Easy: Maximize your earnings with AdMob integration and respect user privacy with GDPR compliance.
  • Personalized Audio Space: Customize your app with your MP3 files or links, making it a true reflection of your style and creativity.
  • User-Centric Design: Google Material Design UI ensures a sleek interface and an enjoyable user experience.


  • Flutter 3.x
  • Android Studio / Intellij IDEA / VSCode
  • Dart Programming Language

What You’ll Get?

  • Full Flutter 3.x Source Code
  • Full Documentation
  • Unlimited Support

Go Beyond Boundaries – Experience WD Player Today!

Get WD Player now and witness the transformation of your audio experience. Explore the best of both offline and online MP3 music with GDPR support, AdMob integration, and a design that stands out.

WD Player Flutter MP3 Apps

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WD Player - Flutter MP3 Audio Player | Support Online & Offline | Android Apps | Admob + GDPR