Videojs Cosmos Skin

[DOWNLOAD]Videojs Cosmos Skin


  • Player with Cosmos Skin CSS/SCSS

  • Skin with bootstrap-icons

  • Adaptive/Responsive Design

  • Add title and description to videos

  • Skip Buttons (rewind fast forward)

  • Playback rate speed button

  • Quality Selector Plugin

  • Logo Plugin (add your logo)

  • Mobile UI Plugin (doble tap rewind forward, rotate for fullscreen)

  • Context-Menu-UI Plugin

  • Poster Time Plugin (show video duration or live)

  • Youtube Playback Plugin

  • You can add custom error image display

  • You can add custom loading spinner svg

  • Support and updates


<link rel="stylesheet" href="></link>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/vjs-cosmos.css></link>
<video-js id="video-player" class="vjs-cosmos vjs-16-9" poster="">
<script src="" ></script>

<script src="dist/video-player.js" ></script><br />

NOTE: All the last is ready in html file include.
  • Video-js homepage

  • Video-js guides page

  • Css minifier page

  • Page for search colors codes

  • Page for create free online simple svg text logo

  • Page for create custom svg loading spinners

Videojs Cosmos Skin