Unimor - Furniture Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel

[DOWNLOAD]Unimor - Furniture Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel

Unimor - Furniture Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel - 1

Admin Panel:

Unimor - Furniture Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel - 2

email: admin@admin.com
password: password

Available on Google Play:

Unimor - Furniture Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel - 3


– Built with Expo 49.0.15.
Orchid – Laravel Admin Panel
– Only Functional Components & React Hooks.
– All icons in SVG format.
Design file in figma format included
– For Android & IOS
– Well structured components
– Detailed Video Tutorials included.
Free google fonts Hind
– You can add to cart product and delete from cart
– You can make product favorite
– Ready for the Backend
– Homepage 2 versions
– You can easily enable or disable validation in the config.tsx.
– All files in .tsx format
– Used Preloader for images
– Used Redux and Redux Persist. If you close the application, your added products to the cart or wishlist will not be deleted.

Why Orchid ?

- Scalability: Orchid is highly scalable, adapting effortlessly to project growth and evolving needs without compromising performance.

- Customization: It offers extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor the admin panel to their specific requirements and design preferences.

- Robust Functionality: Orchid is rich in features, providing a wide array of tools and functionalities to streamline administrative tasks and enhance user experience.

- Security: It prioritizes security measures, ensuring data protection and offering built-in features to fortify the application against potential threats.

- Intuitive Interface: Orchid boasts an intuitive user interface, simplifying navigation and making it user-friendly for administrators of varying technical backgrounds.

How can I access the API ?:

- Download and use Postman
- Input Bearer Token: aH3KCew1YsWhWqW0tqNU3ndzHb3RdblI
- Utilize the GET method for the request.
- Once the above steps are completed, click ‘Send’.
- The API will be provided after the request is sent.

List of APIs:



"@krosben/react-native-gravatar": "^0.0.1",
"@ptomasroos/react-native-multi-slider": "^2.2.2",
"@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.21.0",
"@react-navigation/native": "^6.1.9",
"@react-navigation/native-stack": "^6.9.17",
"@reduxjs/toolkit": "^2.0.1",
"@types/react-redux": "^7.1.33",
"axios": "^1.6.2",
"expo": "~49.0.15",
"expo-clipboard": "~4.3.1",
"expo-font": "~11.4.0",
"expo-splash-screen": "~0.20.5",
"expo-status-bar": "~1.6.0",
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-native": "0.72.6",
"react-native-collapsible": "^1.6.1",
"react-native-dashed-line": "^1.1.0",
"react-native-eject": "^0.2.0",
"react-native-fast-image": "^8.6.3",
"react-native-flash-message": "^0.4.2",
"react-native-image-progress": "^1.2.0",
"react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view": "^0.9.5",
"react-native-modal": "^13.0.1",
"react-native-responsive-dimensions": "^3.1.1",
"react-native-safe-area-context": "^4.8.2",
"react-native-screens": "^3.29.0",
"react-native-svg": "^14.1.0",
"react-native-webview": "^13.6.3",
"react-redux": "^9.0.4",
"redux-persist": "^6.0.0",
"expo-dev-client": "~2.4.12" 


Unimor – Furniture Store is a comprehensive project developed using Expo 49.0.15, where TypeScript is employed to enhance code integrity and maintainability. The backbone of data management lies in its utilization of a Redux Store, ensuring efficient state management across the application.

Moreover, the project integrates an Orchid Admin Panel, empowering seamless administration and oversight of the furniture store’s various operations. The primary goal of Unimor is to offer users an intuitive and robust experience, driven by TypeScript’s strong typing features, while simultaneously maintaining a well-organized and scalable architecture facilitated by Redux Store and the Orchid Admin Panel.

Important commands to run the application:

  • npm install
  • npx expo run:android
  • npx expo run:ios
  • Technology:

  • Expo
  • TypeScript
  • Redux
  • Laravel
  • Orchid
  • Font:

  • Hind
  • Images & Icons:

  • “freepik”
  • “depositphotos”
  • “unsplash”
  • “flaticon”
  • Screeens Included:

    01_Onboarding 1 Screen
    02_Onboarding 2 Screen
    03_Onboarding 3 Screen
    04_Sign in
    05_Forgot password
    06_Forgot password (sent email)
    07_New password
    08_Sign up
    09_Sign up (account created)
    10_Verify your phone number
    11_Confirmation code
    12_Home V1
    13_Home V2
    15_Burger menu
    25_Edit profile
    26_Payment method
    27_Add a new card
    28_My Address
    29_Add a new address
    30_Order history
    31_Order history (options)
    32_Leave a Review
    35_My promocodes
    37_Cart (empty)
    43_Order successful!
    44_Order failed!

    Have questions ? Contact me via Telegram:

    Unimor - Furniture Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel - 4

    Unimor - Furniture Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel