ToDo List


The To-Do List Web Application is a simple and user-friendly task management tool designed to help you organize your daily tasks and activities efficiently. With its intuitive interface and basic yet effective features, this application is a valuable addition to your productivity toolkit.

Key Features:

1. Task Creation: You can easily add new tasks by typing them into the input field provided and clicking the “Add” button or by pressing the Enter key. Adding tasks is quick and straightforward.

2. Task Display: The application provides a clear and organized list of your tasks. Each task is displayed with a checkbox and task name. Completed tasks are crossed out for easy identification.

3. Task Completion: To mark a task as complete, simply click on the task’s checkbox. Completed tasks are visually distinguished from active tasks to help you track your progress.

4. Task Deletion: If you want to remove a task, each task item has a “Delete” button. Clicking this button will promptly remove the task from your list.

5. Filtering Options: The application offers filtering options to view tasks based on their completion status: All: Shows all tasks, both completed and active. Active: Displays only active (incomplete) tasks. Completed: Shows only completed tasks.

6. Persistent Storage: Your tasks are stored locally, ensuring that you don’t lose your to-do list when you close or refresh the page. This feature allows you to continue where you left off, making it a reliable task management solution.

Experience the benefits of efficient task management with our To-Do List Web Application. It’s a valuable tool for anyone looking to stay organized and accomplish their goals effectively.

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Sales 2
Price $6.00
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