Sociate - Social Media Networking | React Native Expo App |CLI 0.73.4

[DOWNLOAD]Sociate - Social Media Networking | React Native Expo App |CLI 0.73.4

Sociate: Your Gateway to Social Networking

Sociate provides a comprehensive source code for building your social network app, empowering you to create your own vibrant social media universe.

Key Benefits of Sociate:

  • Effortless Brand Customization: Tailor your app seamlessly to reflect your brand identity.
  • User-Friendly Codebase: Navigate and modify your app effortlessly with our intuitive codebase.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: A thorough guide ensures you make the most of Sociate’s features.
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Explore the Features of Our Social App:

  • Tell Your Story: Let users create temporary stories with photos, videos, or text.
  • Start a Call or Video Chat: Facilitate real-time communication within the app.
  • User Profiles: Customize profiles with personal information, photos, and more.
  • News Feed: Chronological content from friends, groups, and pages.
  • Posts and Sharing: Share text, photos, videos, and links.
  • Friend Requests: Connect with others through friend requests.
  • Likes and Comments: Engage with posts through likes, comments, and shares.
  • Messaging: Private conversations between users.
  • Notifications: Stay informed about profile, post, and interaction activities.
  • Groups and Pages: Join or create groups and pages based on interests.
  • Search Functionality: Find friends, groups, and content based on keywords.
  • Event Creation: Create and invite others to events.

Experience the Full Spectrum:

Explore our demos to transform curiosity into conviction. Our products are crafted to elevate your journey in productivity, creativity, and entertainment. Each interaction demonstrates our commitment to excellence and innovation.


Sociate - Social Media Networking | React Native Expo App |CLI 0.73.4

Rating 0
Sales 9
Price $34.00
Author vzenlabs
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