Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site

[DOWNLOAD]Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site
- Version: 2.1.1
- Last update: 19 Sept 2021
- File Included: Full Source code of Flutter App (Android & iOS)
- Customer App – INCLUDED – Compiled on Flutter 2.2.2
- Delivery Boy App – INCLUDED – Compiled on Flutter 2.2.2
- Vendors App – INCLUDED – Compiled on Flutter 2.2.2
- Web Site – INCLUDED – Compiled on Flutter 2.2.2
- PHP Laravel Admin Panel INCLUDED

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 1
Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 2
Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 3

Flutter Grocery / Food / Pharmacy / Courier delivery services / ecommerce – Single Market (Android + iOS +Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site

This is a complete end-to-end solution for launching your own full delivery app. It includes an end user app from which the end users can place an order for products and delivery-boy app for drivers and it includes an admin panel for store owners to accept or manage orders and improve their business. This solution is ideal for anyone who wants to start a product delivery app business.


  • Fully functional apps with PHP backend
  • 3 Apps in Android & iOS combined (Customer App, Owner App, Delivery App) + Admin Panel + Web Site
  • Android + iOS Flutter Apps.
  • Google Maps for showing restaurants on the maps with direction to them
  • Multi Payment gateway (Cash on Delivery, PayPal, Stripe, Razorpay, Paystack …)
  • Auto-Address From Geo Location
  • Working fine with light and dark mode.
  • Change Dark/Light mode in Admin Panel
  • Push notification using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
  • Tracking Orders
  • Favorites

Admin Panel (PHP Laravel) Features:

  • Easy Dashboard to get Quick details
  • Categories management.
  • Users management.
  • Orders management.
  • Delete, Add Orders
  • Send Notifications.
  • Medias & File Manager Integrated.
  • Reports.
  • Time-Zone selection
  • Multi-Languages system
  • Multi-Currencies system
  • Banners Management,
  • Payment Gateway Management,
  • Global Settings


Download Customer App demo apk

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 4
To enter in application create account or use this username and pasword:
- User or email:
- Password: 123456

Download Delivery Boy App demo apk

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 5
To enter in application create account or use this username and pasword:
- User or email:
- Password: 123456

Download Owner App demo apk

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 6
To enter in application create account or use this username and pasword:
- User or email:
- Password: 123456

Web Site

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 7

Admin Panel

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 8
- Admin
- User or email:
- Password: 123456


This is online documentation, this link can help you how to getting started with flutter and how to use Market Flutter App in you projects.

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 9

Video tutorials

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 10

See Also:

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 11

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 12

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site - 13


ver. 2.1.1 - 19 Sept 2021

Migrate to Null Safety (Flutter 2.0)
Update library versions
Apple Pay and Google Pay payments
Cancel order in Customer App
Fixed bugs

ver. 2.0.5 - 22 June 2021

Updated Stripe library - required by Google Play
Updated dependencies
Fixed bugs

ver. 2.0.0 - 29 April 2021

- Admin Panel application
Delivery Fee per km or mile
Fixed bugs

- Web Site
Fixed bugs

- Customer Application
Delivery Fee per km or mile
PayMob Payment Gateway
MercadoPago Payment Gateway
FlutterWave Payment Gateway
"Share This App" button in Menu
Bugs fixed

- Owner Application
added and edit variations of the products
added showing all drivers on map
Bugs fixed

- Delivery Boy Application
Bugs fixed

ver 1.8.5

- Admin Panel application
Added extras
Fixed bugs

- Web Site
Added extras
Fixed bugs

- Customer Application
Added extras
Customer now can select day for delivery
Delivery Boy Location tracking
Order details information in Orders Screen
Bugs fixed

- Owner Application
Bugs fixed

- Delivery Boy Application
Location tracking
Bugs fixed

ver 1.8.0 - 30 Jan 2021

- Admin Panel application
Added Minimum purchase amount
Added products variants
Added related products list
Bugs fixed

- Customer Application
Added Firebase OTP verification
Added Minimum purchase amount
Added products variants
Added related products list
Bugs fixed

- Web Site
Added chat
Added Minimum purchase amount
Added products variants
Added related products list
Bugs fixed

- Owner Application
Bugs fixed

- Delivery Boy Application
Bugs fixed

ver 1.0.0 

- Release     the first version 

Single Market Grocery/Food/Pharmacy (Android+iOS+Admin Panel) Full App Solution with Web Site