Silicon - Vue Business & Technology Template

[DOWNLOAD]Silicon - Vue Business & Technology Template

Silicon is Bootstrap 5 & Vue 3 (Typescript) multipurpose template. It offers demos for creative businesses, IT, software development as well as corporate segment and startups. Below you will find the complete list of all page templates and landing pages. Silicon also includes a complete set of frequently used inner and specialty page designs as well as Blog and Portfolio listings and single pages. For those who are looking to build web application with enabled registration and user account functionalities Silicon has well-designed User Account screens. All pages are available in Light and Dark mode. Use the switch in the navbar to instantly change the mode.


  • Mobile App Showcase v.1
  • Mobile App Showcase v.2
  • Mobile App Showcase v.3
  • Startup
  • Product Landing
  • SaaS v.1
  • SaaS v.2
  • SaaS v.3
  • SaaS v.4
  • SaaS v.5
  • Financial Consulting
  • Online Courses
  • Medical
  • Software Dev Agency v.1
  • Software Dev Agency v.2
  • Software Dev Agency v.3
  • Conference
  • Digital Agency
  • Blog Homepage

Inner pages

  • About v.1
  • About v.2
  • About v.3
  • Services
  • Service Details v.1
  • Service Details v.2
  • Contacts v.1
  • Contacts v.2
  • Contacts v.3
  • 404 Error v.1
  • 404 Error v.2


  • Portfolio Grid View
  • Portfolio List View
  • Portfolio Slider View
  • Courses
  • Project Details
  • Course Details


  • Account Sign In
  • Account Sign Up
  • Account Details
  • Account Security
  • Account Notifications
  • Account Messages
  • Account Saved Items
  • Account Collections
  • Account Payment Methods

Silicon - Vue Business & Technology Template