Quiz Plus - An ultimate solution for Quiz/Exam/Survey

[DOWNLOAD]Quiz Plus - An ultimate solution for Quiz/Exam/Survey

Empower your educational institution, training center, or corporate entity with Quiz Plus, the all-in-one solution for conducting quizzes, exams, surveys, and assessments with unparalleled ease and efficiency. Crafted by seasoned developers and designed with user experience in mind, Quiz Plus offers a plethora of features to streamline your assessment process and enhance the learning experience for both administrators and participants.

Live Demo


Key Features:

Subscription Plans:

  • Flexible subscription plans to cater to different user needs.
  • Easy management of subscription tiers and pricing.

Mouse Pointer Monitoring:

  • Automatically detect and count penalties if the user moves their mouse pointer away from the exam window.

Question Shuffling:

  • Randomize question order to prevent cheating.
  • Ensure a unique test experience for each candidate.

Secure Exam Window:

  • Open exams in a new browser window to minimize distractions and prevent cheating.
  • Count penalties in case of move from that window.

Email Invitations:

  • Invite candidates to exams through personalized email invitations.
  • Automated follow-ups and reminders to ensure participation.

Trusted Payment Gateway:

  • Integration with Stripe(A trusted payment gateway for secure transactions.)
  • Support offline payments.

Multilingual Support:

  • Multi-language support to accommodate a global audience.
  • Customize language settings for both administrators and candidates.

Exam Instructions:

  • Provide clear and detailed instructions for candidates before they begin the exam.
  • Ensure candidates understand the rules and procedures.

Customizable Landing Page:

  • Create a branded and customizable landing page for your assessment platform.
  • Tailor the look and feel to match your organization’s branding.

Audit Logs:

  • Maintain detailed audit logs of all actions and events during the assessment.
  • Ensure transparency and accountability with comprehensive logging.

Use Cases:

Examinations:Conduct secure and reliable online exams with robust proctoring features and advanced fraud detection mechanisms.

Training:Evaluate trainees’ understanding and engagement during virtual training sessions with real-time monitoring and analysis.

Others:Could be used as a survey tool or quiz tool or any type of online assessment based on your need.

Technologies Used

  • .Net core 6
  • EF Core 6.0.0
  • Sql Server 2012 or higher/Mysql 5.6 or higher/Oracle 12c or higher/SqLite 3/PostgreSql 13
  • Vue 2.6
  • Vuetify 2.2
  • Vuex 3.5
  • Vue router 3.2

I request you to check the demo version before purchase, also check documentation. Project source code available for regular license. One time Installation support on your server is free for both regular and extended license. i will not accept any refund after purchase. If you need further clarification, feel free to email me at sangibruse@gmail.com


  • Icons from Google material icons
  • Freepik for Landing page images & banner image
  • Vuetify for UI template

Change Logs

3 July 2021 -- Version 1.0
    - Initial Release
8 July 2021 -- Version 1.1
    - Add question wise mark option
    - Attempt datetime add in reports
    - Email Settings add in App Settings
    - Fix PDF export issue for long width table
    - Display marks on exam time
22 Sep 2021 -- Version 1.2
    - Bulk CSV Upload (Questions) 
    - Reports turn into Examine & Reports to examine the descriptive question
    - Pass status at on report
    - Add paid registration for students using stripe & control this through App Settings
    - Add price on each quiz and make it optional 
    - Browser refresh end the exam option add on app settings
    - Add category for questions
    - Sent email invitation from Quiz create UI
    - Sent email with selected students from Reports
    - Add descriptive/essay question
    - Add Question level (easy,medium & hard) 
20 March 2022 -- Version 1.3
    - Separate analytics from dashboard for candidates
    - Contact us form add
18 Sep 2022 -- Version 1.4
    - Redesign landing page
    - Redesign sign in UI
    - Add Subscription plan
    - Add payment log
    - Add app version
    - Add payment chart on Dashboard
    - Make Scrollbar thinner
    - Switch to .Net core 6
28 Jan 2024 -- Version 1.5
    - Certificate Pdf download
    - Email from address add
    - Landing page text dynamic
    - Landing page price menu dynamic
    - Email text dynamic
    - Language Option add
    - Add instruction before starting assessment
    - Dynamic dashboard icons
    - Sign in click switch to pricing
    - Color picker add on settings
    - Add a no internet page
    - Add background color on certificate

04 Jun 2024 -- Version 1.6
    - Copy,paste,cut disable on text answer input
    - Exam penalty count & show
    - Allow admin to set up either a exam open on new window or not
    - Expiry date show on admin profile
    - Package info pop up add
    - Password encrypt and decrypt

App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features App Features

Quiz Plus - An ultimate solution for Quiz/Exam/Survey