QR Code Generator - Complete Responsive Website

[DOWNLOAD]QR Code Generator - Complete Responsive Website

​This code provides a comprehensive user interface for generating QR codes with customizable features. Users can select colors, error correction levels, and specify the content type for the QR code. Additionally, the application includes sections for the app version, app features, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and other tools or services offered by the owner (the buyer).​


Custom Color Picker Integration:

Color Selection: The code integrates custom color pickers for both dark and light colors of the QR code. Color List: Predefined lists of colors are available for selection. UI Integration: Color selection is visually represented using colored divs, and the selected color is displayed as the background of the corresponding color holder. Dynamic Update: Selecting a color triggers the QR code generation, ensuring the QR code reflects the new color settings immediately.

Dynamic QR Code Generation:

Content Types: Supports multiple content types such as text, URL, contact (VCARD), email, SMS, and WiFi. Real-Time Updates: The QR code is regenerated with a slight delay after the user stops typing or changes the input, ensuring a smooth user experience without unnecessary processing. Error Correction Levels: Users can select from four QR code error correction levels (L, M, Q, H), with ‘M’ being the default.

Download Options:

Dimension Options: Users can choose from various dimensions to download the QR code at their preferred size. Image Format Options: Multiple image formats are available for download, including PNG, JPEG and WebP.

UI Interactivity:

Toggle Additional Fields: Certain additional fields in the contact form can be toggled on and off, allowing for a cleaner UI while still providing advanced options. Seamless Integration: The code ensures that switching between different content types resets and clears inputs and QR codes to prevent data carryover.

Internal and External Libraries:

QRCode.js: Utilizes the QRCode.js library for generating QR codes. jQuery: jquery-3.6.0.min.js library for the Color Picker.

Responsive Design:

Media Queries: Ensures a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes, providing an optimal user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

Additional Sections:

App Version: Displays screenshots of the app version of the site and includes a description of the app.

App Features: Highlights the features of the app in cards, providing a visual and informative overview of the app’s capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): A section dedicated to addressing common questions, enhancing user understanding and support.

Other Tools: Showcases other services or tools offered by the owner, promoting additional value and functionalities available to users.

QR Code Generator - Complete Responsive Website

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Price $29.00
Author workyusufezz
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