Payback Period calculator - Web Calculator for your Website

[DOWNLOAD]Payback Period calculator - Web Calculator for your Website

Welcome to our Payback Period calculator, The Payback period calculator to help determine the time required to recover your initial investment from your cash flow.

User inputs:

  • Discount rate
  • Initial investment
  • Annual cash flow
  • Year 1
  • Year 2/li>
  • Year 3/li>
  • Year 4/li>
  • Year 5/li>

  • Payback period
  • Discounted payback period
  • Payback period

Features of the Payback Period Calculator:
  • - Users can input the total initial cost of the investment, which is used to calculate both the traditional and discounted payback periods.
  • - Instant result without page reload
  • - JS and CSS loads when shortcode called on page
  • - 100% Responsive design
  • - Unique Design
  • - Well Documented (proper help instructions for setup)
  • - Dedicated Support

The calculator is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it also utilizes the popular JavaScript library jQuery. A premium quality Payback Period calculator which you can easily embed into any website (well documented).

Payback Period calculator - Web Calculator for your Website