Parrfect - Pet Shop & Pet Accessories Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme

[DOWNLOAD]Parrfect - Pet Shop & Pet Accessories Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme


Parrfect - Pet Shop & Pet Accessories Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme - 1 Parrfect - Pet Shop & Pet Accessories Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme - 2 Parrfect - Pet Shop & Pet Accessories Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme - 3

You want to create an incredible Pet Shop Store website? Sick of testing and evaluating themes? Choose the Parrfect – Pet Shop & Pet Accessories Responsive 2.0 Shopify Theme, completely versatile theme you can use to create the website you need!

Start your own online store for merchandise, pet food, pet toys, etc. The Petaio theme is designed for Pet Stores, Vets, Animal Food, Dog Food, Cat Food and Pet Caretakers, but with some new illustrations you can also remove the pets and replace them with something else, eg: kids in a playground for a care center or playgroup…

Our App Partner

Our theme is compatible with almost all Shopify apps!

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Features List:

  • Shopify Online Store 2.0
  • Numerous Filters
  • AJAX Search
  • AJAX Filter
  • SEO Optimized
  • Corlor Attributes Swatches
  • Validate HTML5 Code
  • Animate CSS
  • Font Awesome Icon
  • Parralax Background
  • Social Sharing Features
  • Cross-browser Compatbility
  • Shop Grid View & List View
  • Loading Ajax & Lazy Load
  • Blog Grid and List
  • Coming Soon Mode
  • Unlimited Colors & Layouts
  • Bootstrap Toolkit
  • Speed Optimized
  • Online Documentation
  • Header variants
  • Footer variants
  • Infinity scroll
  • Sub-collection page
  • Unlimited filters
  • Dynamic Checkout
  • Sticky Header
  • Mobile Toolbar
  • Ajax product
  • Ajax sidebar cart
  • Lookbook
  • Recently products
  • GDPR (Cookies)
  • Size Guide Table
  • Product Booter sale
  • Trust sale badge
  • Sticky Add to Cart
  • Powerful Filter Systems
  • Drag & Drop Shopify Sections
  • Fast Loading Time
  • Easy To Customize

Change Logs

------------  VERSION 1.0.0  ------------
! Initial Release

Parrfect - Pet Shop & Pet Accessories Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme