Opencart Cost-price Profit

[DOWNLOAD]Opencart Cost-price Profit

Cost-Price Profit Plugin for Opencart is a module which allows customers to set cost price for products and products options and generates profit and loss reports from the orders. This plugin calculates profits according to the product cost price. User can keep track of profit and loss according to an order. User also can see product based profits filtered by orders or the sold products. From admin panel user can customize which data they want to see in the orders columns like : profit column, cost total column, shipping cost column and various other options are available.

Compatible with: Opencart 3.x.x.x


Admin Module Settings Demo:

Profit by Orders Report Demo:

Profit by Products Report Demo:

Username: demo

Password: demo


  • Can Add Cost price to a product
  • Can Add Cost price to product options
  • Generates Order based profit/loss report
  • Generates Product Based profit/loss report
  • Filter order and product profits/losses according to customer id, order id, date etc
  • Total order profit and product costs are calculated
  • Can change cost price of a product and recalculate the profits
  • User can s elect columns which are visible on the orders list to an administrator
  • Smart payment cost calculations
  • Can calculate profits/losses according to paid order statuses like completed orders, canceled orders, pending orders etc
  • Easy integration

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Opencart Cost-price Profit - 2

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N.B: Installation guide and sample usage is shown in the documentation folder.

For further assistance, feel free to contact us.

Opencart Cost-price Profit