Nafie - HTML Portfolio Template

[DOWNLOAD]Nafie - HTML Portfolio Template

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Nafie is a combination of good design, quality code and attention for details. It is suitable as a resume website, personal CV, or creative Portfolio. It is ideal for professional persons. Perfect for showing your skills, experience, works and expertise. If you are looking for high-quality and simple resume template for your personal or commercial works, Nafie ideal for you.


  • Pure JavaScript, no jQuery dependency
  • Light & Dark Mode (Default to browser)
  • RTL Supported
  • Modern, Unique and Elegant Design
  • Fresh and Clean Code
  • Parallax Animations
  • Masonry Portfolio
  • Keyboard Support
  • Loading Animation
  • Fully Responsive
  • Custom Tooltip
  • Working Contact Form by Ajax & PHP
  • Smooth Scroll
  • Easy to Customize
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Full Documentation Included
  • Regular Updates
  • 24/7 Support System
  • and more…

What do you get?

  • HTML Content
  • Documentation




Demo Images:

Demo Icons:

Important Notes:

  • Important: This not a wordpress theme.
  • All the photos used in this template is intended only to illustrate the template and all the rights on them belong to their legal owners and all the photos are not included in the main download file.


- Replace JS module files with a compiled JS bundle file.
- Remove VueJS/Bootstrap and just use HTML/JavaScript only.
- General enhancements.
- Added: Parallax Animations on page scrolling.
- Updated: Preloader Screen.
- Updated: Back Top Scroll Indicator.
- General enhancements.
- Convert the language switcher from a button to a dropdown.
- Bootstrap CSS separated from CSS Libraries file.
- Updated: color scheme to use CSS variables and HSL functions.
- Updated: fonts to use CSS variables.
- General enhancements.
- Added: Single Portfolio Page.
- Added: Archive Portfolio Page.
- Added: 404 Page.
- Enhancements: Show the message 'No more works' to the user if there is no more works in the portfolio.
- Enhancements: Added the functionality to load more works in Portfolio section.

Nafie - HTML Portfolio Template