Lead Follow up Scheduler Module for Perfex CRM

[DOWNLOAD]Lead Follow up Scheduler Module for Perfex CRM

Note:This Module is for Perfex CRM

Lead Follow up Scheduler Module for Perfex CRM - 1

Brief Description

Lead Follow up Scheduler”, module can be use in Perfex CRM allows Admin/Staff to schedule automatic follow up SMS/Email send to Leads at particular Interval of Lead creation.

  • Lead Follow up Scheduler ” is using, by default enabled SMS gateways, provided by Perfex CRM. You can check for available SMS gateways from SETUP -> Settings -> SMS.
  • Lead Follow up Scheduler ” is using, by default enabled Emails settings, in Perfex CRM..
  • Admin/Staff can set a schedule for one time only, to send automatic follow up SMS or Email for every upcoming Leads. Eg. Send SMS/Email after 1 week of creation of Leads, if Lead status is still in pending.
  • Admin or staff can send scheduled multiple SMS / Emails at a time to Leads.
  • Admin/staff can send reminder to staff who is assigned Leads.

Added advantage:

  • Use default Perfex CRM SMS Gateways, no need to implement new SMS gateway
  • Admin and staff will be able to create schedule to send automatic SMS/Email to the leads after specified interval of Lead creation. So admin will not lose their leads, if leads are not having any progress.
  • Admin and staff will be able to create schedule to send automatic SMS/Email to the assigned staff of Leads after specified interval of Lead creation. So admin/staff can send reminder to staff, if leads are not having any progress.
  • Admin/Staff can see how many Leads are sent an SMS or Email by viewing Schedule for Leads.
  • Admin/Staff can see how many Staffs are sent an SMS or Email by viewing Schedule for Staff.
  • SMS/Email will be sent automatically to Leads or assigned staffs using Cron Jobs.


1. Create Scheduler for Lead followup
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2. List of schedulers
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It takes only a few seconds to be installed and activated. Documentation is included.

If you have any questions, feel free to raise a support ticket at our support area. Guys from support department will get back to you as soon as possible with a reply.

Keep in mind that absolutely no coding is needed! Just follow the instructions and be able to use “Lead Follow up Scheduler” module in minutes.


View Demo

UserName : lead_followup@demo.com
Password: 12345678


 - In the Demo, you will not receive any SMS, because SMS gateways are not enabled. But you can see to which Lead an SMS is sent, by viewing Scheduler.
 - You need to enable any one SMS gateway given in Perfex, to use this module.
 - You can send multiple custom SMS at a  time, but number of SMS at  a time, will be depend on allowed by your SMS provider or Server.
- To send Scheduled Multiple SMS, Cron Jobs for Perfex CRM need to be set on your Server. 

Note: This module is product of Sejal Infotech and you should purchase only from valid website that is Codecanyon.net. We are not selling on any other website. If you found this product in other websites, it may be pirated.

Change Logs

Version 1.1.0

- Now staff can set different Email Subjects for different Schedulers.

Version 1.0.9

- Email Link issue fixed.

Version 1.0.8

- Minor Bug fixed.

Version 1.0.7

- You can scheduler reminders up to 100 Days.

Version 1.0.6

- PHP 8.1 compatibility related issue fixed.

Version 1.0.5

- Added new functionality: Send scheduled Emails also to leads or staffs assigned to leads. 

Version 1.0.4

- Issue solved when showing part of text in the Table of list of schedules. 

Version 1.0.3

- Bug fixed.

Version 1.0.2

- Designing issue solved.

Version 1.0.1

- New Functionality: Admin/Staff can set SMS reminders for staff who is assigned the Leads after specific interval of Lead creation.

Version 1.0.0

- Initial Release.
Lead Follow up Scheduler Module for Perfex CRM - 4

Lead Follow up Scheduler Module for Perfex CRM