Lead Conversion Rate calculator - Web Calculator for your Website

[DOWNLOAD]Lead Conversion Rate calculator - Web Calculator for your Website

Welcome to our Lead Conversion Rate calculator, The Lead Conversion Rate Calculator helps businesses and marketers measure the effectiveness of their lead generation efforts. By inputting the total number of leads and the number of successfully converted leads, this calculator provides a quick and accurate conversion rate percentage.

User inputs:

  • Total Leads
  • Leads Converted

  • Lead Conversion Rate

Features of the Lead Conversion Rate Calculator:
  • - The lead conversion rate is prominently displayed in a dedicated section, making the result easy to find and read.
  • - Clicking the “Calculate” button, the calculator quickly calculates the conversion rate.
  • - Instant result without page reload
  • - JS and CSS loads when shortcode called on page
  • - 100% Responsive design
  • - Unique Design
  • - Well Documented (proper help instructions for setup)
  • - Dedicated Support

The calculator is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it also utilizes the popular JavaScript library jQuery. A premium quality Lead Conversion Rate calculator which you can easily embed into any website (well documented).

Lead Conversion Rate calculator - Web Calculator for your Website