Freelancer Flutter Mobile App - Xilancer Freelancer Marketplace Platform

[DOWNLOAD]Freelancer Flutter Mobile App - Xilancer Freelancer Marketplace Platform

xilancer freelancer mobile app

Xilancer – Freelancer Marketplace Platform
Welcome to Xilacner, your comprehensive solution for building a dynamic and efficient freelance marketplace. Crafted with the powerful Laravel framework, Xilacner is designed to cater to both freelancers and clients, ensuring a seamless and productive experience for all users. Whether you are aiming to launch a full-scale freelance platform or a niche job posting site, Xilacner is your go-to choice.


This mobile is will not work unless you have connected it with Xilancer – Freelancer Marketplace Platform
here is documentation for it

General Question

Will you configure and build the app for us ?
no, you have to build it your own or you can hire us for it.

Does mobile app has support?
no mobile app has support from any author of envato. but we still help our customer in general quearies through our support channel.

Download APK Build

Nazmart Tenant Shop mobile app Freelancer Flutter Mobile App - Xilancer Freelancer Marketplace Platform - 1

Test Credentials


Changes Logs

Date: 13th June, 2024
-flutter v3.22 compatible
Date: 5th June, 2024
- able to send message by paragraph 
- editor in custom offer description
- editor in custom offer milestone description
- editor in order work submit
- order details responsive fixed
Date: 3rd June, 2024
-summer-note for project create
-summer-note for project edit
Date: 12th May, 2024
- Google sign-in added
- Facebook sign-in added
- Apple sign-in added (only when running on IOS)
- Freelancer work availability status change
- Project create.
- Project Edit.
- Project status change.
- Project delete.
- Custom order send
- Order accept, decline, cancel.
- job/project name in order list.
- job/project name in order details.
- Work submit.
- Wallet deposit
- Wallet withdraw
- Subscription history
- Subscription browse
- Subscription buy
- Bug fixes
Update Date: March 12th, 2024

flutter v3.19.3 compatible
guest browsing added
push-notification added
other improvements
Update Date: 25th January 2024

Resolved Error in notification list.
Added some missing translations.
Initial release

Top Features

  • - User sign-in
  • - User sign-up
  • - Google sign-in
  • - Facebook sign-in
  • - Apple sign-in added (only when running on IOS)
  • - Freelancer work availability status change
  • - Project create.
  • - Project Edit.
  • - Project status change.
  • - Project delete.
  • - Custom order send
  • - Order accept, decline, cancel.
  • - job/project name in order list.
  • - job/project name in order details.
  • - Work submit.
  • - Wallet deposit
  • - Wallet withdraw
  • - Subscription history
  • - Subscription browse
  • - Subscription buy
  • - Password reset using email otp
  • - Job browse and filter
  • - Job bookmark
  • - Job details
  • - Download job attachment
  • - Send proposals to job
  • - Conversation list with client activity status
  • - Live chat with a client
  • - Order list page
  • - Notification list page
  • - Order details page
  • - Offers list page
  • - proposals list page
  • - Profile view (earnings, skills, experience etc)
  • - Profile Edit
  • - Support ticket list
  • - Support ticket create option
  • - Cupport ticket chat option
  • - Wallet info
  • - Withdraw history
  • - 19+ Payment Gateway support Paypal, Paytm, Stipe, Razorpay, Paystack, Mollie, Midtrans, Cashfree, Instamojo, Mercado pago, Zitopay, Squareup, CinetPay, Paytabs, Billplz, Toyyibpay, Flutterwave Rave, Payfast, Manual payment gateway etc

Freelancer Flutter Mobile App - Xilancer Freelancer Marketplace Platform