Flutter Starter Pro: Getx (MVC) Role based login, Sign up, Advance Sidebar and Navbar, Profile

[DOWNLOAD]Flutter Starter Pro: Getx (MVC) Role based login, Sign up, Advance Sidebar and Navbar, Profile



  • Project (Template) structure: This template is built on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, promoting clean code organization and separation of concerns for easy maintenance and scalability. Whether you’re developing a healthcare management app, telemedicine solution, or patient engagement platform, this template provides a solid foundation to accelerate your project’s development.
  • Firebase Authentication: Secure user login and authentication powered by Firebase, enabling role-based access control for both “Doctor” and “Patient” users along with email verification and reset password.
  • Role-based UI Redirection: Utilizes Firestore for efficient data storage and management, ensuring real-time synchronization and scalability for user data.
  • Firestore Integration: We have used Admob banner ads so that you can earn money when the user is using your app.
  • Firebase Storage for User Profiles: Enables users to upload and manage profile images effortlessly using Firebase Storage, enhancing personalization within the app.
  • Advanced Navigation Components: Includes a sophisticated navigation bar and sidebar, offering intuitive and responsive navigation across the app’s features and functionalities.
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Flutter Starter Pro: Getx (MVC) Role based login, Sign up, Advance Sidebar and Navbar, Profile

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Price $28.00
Author DevInspo
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