Flutter Huddle Hub UI Template - Modern & Multi-language

[DOWNLOAD]Flutter Huddle Hub UI Template - Modern & Multi-language

Flutter Huddle Hub UI Templates

This is a UI template for the Huddle Hub app using Flutter. The code is easy to modify, uses Stateful widgets to manage state, and uses local JSON for data management. It features a modern and clean design with dark and light modes available. This application also features English and Indonesian translations.

Huddle Hub Overview:

Huddle Hub is a comprehensive team management app designed specifically for sports teams. It supports three types of users: Admin, Coach, and Player. Each user type has a tailored view within the app, offering functionalities suited to their roles:

  • Admin: Manages team settings, oversees team events, and has full access to all team-related data.
  • Coach: Creates and manages events, team strategies, and communicates directly with players.
  • Player/Members: Views team events, participates in polls, and interacts with team members.


  • Flutter 3.22.1: Leverages the latest version of Flutter for optimal performance.
  • Cross Platform Support: Fully functional on Android and iOS devices.
  • Simple Route Navigation:Easy to navigate through different sections of the app.
  • Clean Code: Well-documented code for easy customization and maintenance.
  • Professional & High Performance: Designed for reliability and speed.


  • Login
  • Register
  • Forgot password
  • Search
  • Create Event
  • Create a Team
  • Edit Team
  • Notice
  • Add Member
  • Poll
  • Create a Poll
  • Event Details
  • Team Details
  • Awards
  • Team
  • Profile

Package Dependencies:

  • google_fonts: ^6.2.1
  • flutter_svg: ^2.0.10+1
  • sticky_header: ^0.3.0+2
  • image_picker: ^1.1.1
  • animation_do: ^3.3.4
  • animation: ^2.0.11
  • flutter_localization: ^0.2.0
  • flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.13.1
  • international: ^0.19.0

With Huddle Hub, effortlessly streamline your team management and boost productivity.

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Flutter Huddle Hub UI Template - Modern & Multi-language