Flocie - Flower Shop & Florist Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme

[DOWNLOAD]Flocie - Flower Shop & Florist Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme


Flocie - Flower Shop & Florist Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme - 1 Flocie - Flower Shop & Florist Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme - 2 Flocie - Flower Shop & Florist Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme - 3

Flocie theme design flourishes with beautiful colors and neat elements – a perfect flower boutique and decoration shop.

This flower store theme will make your life easier by letting you create an online store easily and fast. If you are into floral design and need a bouqet shop, or create decoration for weddings and home and need a gift store – this is a perfect solution for you.

Expose your floral and decoration work with a great portfolio, blog about flowers and handmade decor, create a flower boutique – and do all this easily and with pleasure.

Flocie theme seems to be very clean and feminine, yet its functionality is amazing. A powerful Shopify sections drag & drog makes this florist Shopify theme a super-functional online store for flowers, decoration and gifts.





Features List:

  • Shopify Online Store 2.0
  • Numerous Filters
  • AJAX Search
  • AJAX Filter
  • SEO Optimized
  • Corlor Attributes Swatches
  • Validate HTML5 Code
  • Animate CSS
  • Font Awesome Icon
  • Parralax Background
  • Social Sharing Features
  • Cross-browser Compatbility
  • Shop Grid View & List View
  • Loading Ajax & Lazy Load
  • Blog Grid and List
  • Coming Soon Mode
  • Unlimited Colors & Layouts
  • Bootstrap Toolkit
  • Speed Optimized
  • Online Documentation
  • Header variants
  • Footer variants
  • Infinity scroll
  • Sub-collection page
  • Unlimited filters
  • Dynamic Checkout
  • Sticky Header
  • Mobile Toolbar
  • Ajax product
  • Ajax sidebar cart
  • Lookbook
  • Recently products
  • GDPR (Cookies)
  • Size Guide Table
  • Product Booter sale
  • Trust sale badge
  • Sticky Add to Cart
  • Powerful Filter Systems
  • Drag & Drop Shopify Sections
  • Fast Loading Time
  • Easy To Customize

Change Logs

------------  VERSION 1.0.0  ------------
! Initial Release

Flocie - Flower Shop & Florist Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme