End To End Encryption Chat App - iOS Swift

[DOWNLOAD]End To End Encryption Chat App - iOS Swift

End To End Encryption Chat App – iOS Swift

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⭑⭑⭑ REQUIRED ⭑⭑⭑

● macOS 14+ and Xcode 15+
● Firebase account for database management
● Apple developer account to receive push notifications
● Sign up for a GIFPhy account, to get an API key


● Complete Chat iOS App Template
● Swift 5+ source code, running in Xcode
● Backend integration with FIREBASE CLOUD FIRESTORE


● All data is ENCRYPTED before being sent to the server
● Save Private Key for decryption in Keychain or iCloud
● Find friends from your contacts
● Add friends by phone number or username
● Filter all images, videos, audio, links in the chat
● Create Single Chats and Group Chats
● The user interface supports Light Mode, Dark Mode


● User Registration with Phone Number and Login With Apple
● List of conversations
● Chat Page
● Friend Page
● Settings Page
● Profile Page
● Edit Account screen
● Logout
● Delete Account


● Users Management with Firebase Auth
● All content is dynamically stored and fetched from Firebase Cloud Firestore: Conversations, Chats, Friends, Users,...etc
● GIPhy API integration to query Emojis, Icons, GIFs
● Push Notifications can be sent manually from Firebase backend


● Built on Xcode 15+ with Swift 5+
● Graphics design is eye catching
● Attractive UI
● Smooth.


● You will get the Source Code and Documents of the app that you see on the Video Preview
● Nothing more or less than what the Video Preview shows
● Feel free to ask questions before BUYING
● You can customize your favorite font or color for app
● The app is written on the latest iOS at the present time
● Save thousands of dollars of design, development & testing


If you need any assistance, send us an email at hoangmtv.075@gmail.com

As always, we wish you good luck with this product, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel, so you could be the first one to know when a new app template is released.

⭑⭑⭑ Come on,... Explore and Share !!! ⭑⭑⭑

End To End Encryption Chat App - iOS Swift

Rating 0
Sales 3
Price $99.00
Author hoangmtv
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