Bisuth - Running Shoes, Sports Shoes & Clothes Shopify 2.0 Theme

[DOWNLOAD]Bisuth - Running Shoes, Sports Shoes & Clothes Shopify 2.0 Theme


Bisuth - Running Shoes, Sports Shoes & Clothes Shopify 2.0 Theme - 1 Bisuth - Running Shoes, Sports Shoes & Clothes Shopify 2.0 Theme - 2 Bisuth - Running Shoes, Sports Shoes & Clothes Shopify 2.0 Theme - 3

Bisuth a theme designed specifically for shoes & clothes sports. If you need a shop for running shoes, sports shoes, clothes,…. there are no better options than Bisuth. Bisuth is compatible with all devices, especially mobile devices. With the mobile first design language, the Bisuth theme brings a great experience on mobile devices. Nowadays, almost every website visit comes from mobile devices, so Bisuth will be the perfect choice for all mobile users.

Bisuth supports a complete shop, with intelligent filtering, delivering extremely fast speeds, eliminating the need to wait for page loads. And Bisuth , with its Instant Product Search system, instantly finds results instantly when you type without waiting for a moment. Bisuth theme is designed to be SEO friendly and meets HTML 5 standards. It is also designed to have the fastest page load speed, whether you have lots of articles or a lot of different products that load together on the page.

Bisuth is easy to use for everyone, without the knowledge of code or webmaster. All our demos can be imported quickly with a single click. Take a look at our demo to experience.





Features List:

  • Shopify Online Store 2.0
  • Numerous Filters
  • AJAX Search
  • AJAX Filter
  • SEO Optimized
  • Corlor Attributes Swatches
  • Validate HTML5 Code
  • Animate CSS
  • Font Awesome Icon
  • Parralax Background
  • Social Sharing Features
  • Cross-browser Compatbility
  • Shop Grid View & List View
  • Loading Ajax & Lazy Load
  • Blog Grid and List
  • Coming Soon Mode
  • Unlimited Colors & Layouts
  • Bootstrap Toolkit
  • Speed Optimized
  • Online Documentation
  • Header variants
  • Footer variants
  • Infinity scroll
  • Sub-collection page
  • Unlimited filters
  • Dynamic Checkout
  • Sticky Header
  • Mobile Toolbar
  • Ajax product
  • Ajax sidebar cart
  • Lookbook
  • Recently products
  • GDPR (Cookies)
  • Size Guide Table
  • Product Booter sale
  • Trust sale badge
  • Sticky Add to Cart
  • Powerful Filter Systems
  • Drag & Drop Shopify Sections
  • Fast Loading Time
  • Easy To Customize

Change Logs

------------  VERSION 1.0.0  ------------
! Initial Release

Bisuth - Running Shoes, Sports Shoes & Clothes Shopify 2.0 Theme