Astro Blast - Top-Down Unity Game Source Code

[DOWNLOAD]Astro Blast - Top-Down Unity Game Source Code

Test link (WebGL) Test APK File

AdMob ads are implemented into this projects. To setup the ads follow these steps:

Go to Assets – > Google Mobile Ads -> Settings and put your app id (from your AdMob console) there. Open the script “Menus.cs” and put your interstitial ad id on line 38 for android and on line 40 for iOS. The primary objective of the Astro Blast game is to annihilate asteroids and saucers. Players take control of a spacecraft with the ability to rotate left and right, fire projectiles straight ahead, and propel forward. Once the ship sets its course, it persists in that direction indefinitely unless the player applies thrust in a different direction. When not using thrust, the ship eventually comes to a halt.

Astro Blast - Top-Down Unity Game Source Code