AdminPro React Dashboard Template

[DOWNLOAD]AdminPro React Dashboard Template

AdminPro React comes with 4 Unique demo variations (like Sidebar, MiniSidebar, Horizontal Navigation, Dark Version etc) and RTL (Right to Left). It also includes 3 dashboard variations, Chat Application Design, Email App Design, Calendar App Design, 160+ Page Templates, 65+ UI Components, 2000+ Font Icons, Lots of Chart, Form and Table Options and much more. Checkout live demos to verify yourself.


  • 3 Different Dashboards
  • 5 Different Demos
  • React Framework
  • 6 Pre-Defined Color Skins
  • Clean and Creative Landing Page Included (Free $18)
  • Light and Dark Color Schemes
  • 160+ pages
  • 45+ UI Elements
  • Lots of widgets
  • 3000+ Fonts Icons
  • Fully Responsive pages
  • SCSS Base CSS
  • Easy to customize
  • Many Charts Options
  • Lots of Table Examples
  • Validation Forms
  • Data Table

  • Mail App
  • Chat App
  • Calendar (New)
  • To-Do Application (New)

UI Elements
  • Cards
  • Buttons
  • Tabs
  • Editor
  • Search Result
  • Dropdown
  • Modals
  • Progress Bars
  • Badges
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Jumbrotron
  • Collabpisble
  • Layout Grid
  • List Group
  • Carousel
  • Alerts
  • Tooltips
  • Paginations
  • Gallery
  • Time Picker (New)
  • Media
  • NavBar

  • Basic Forms
  • Form Inpur
  • Form Grid
  • Form Group
  • Date Pickets
  • Form Validation
  • Form Steps / Wizard

Other Pages
  • Helper Classes (New)
  • Login Page
  • Login Page with FireBase (New)
  • Profile
  • Register
  • Register with FireBase (New)
  • Maintenance
  • Recover Password

  • Chart-js
  • C3 Charts

  • Basic Tables
  • React Tables (New)
  • Bootstrap Data Table

  • Font awesome
  • Themify Icons
  • Weather Icons
  • Flag Icons
  • Simple line Icons
  • Google Material Icons

More Features
  • Vector Map
  • Multi-Level Dropdown
  • Support
  • Documentation


- Google fonts - for images

Change Log
Version 7 (21 October 2023) - Updated with Vite.Js

Version 6 (12 August 2023) - All packages are updated - Updated React 18 - Added react-slick in place of react-swipeable-views which was depreacated

Version 5 – 14 April 2022 - Updated to Reduxtoolkit - Updated reactstrap with bootstrap5 - Added Three new apps , Ticket, Shop, Treeview - Added Html Editor - Change customizer & all apps setting with Redux toolkit Version 4 – 21th July 2021 - Updated to React version 17 - Updated all 34 packages to their latest version - Updated React dom

AdminPro React Dashboard Template